Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Doctor of Philosophy, 1997
Specializing in American Colonial History.
Minor Fields: Classical History and Early Modern English History
Dissertation Title: Nursing Fathers: American Colonists’ Conception of English Protestant Kingship. Directed by Dr. Robert A. Becker.
Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Master of Arts in History, 1985
Major: Classical History
Minor: Art History.
Thesis Title: Slave Agency in Roman Business During the Late Republic and Early Principate. Directed by Dr. Gary A. Crump.
Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology, 1973
Leysin American High School, Leysin, Vaud, Switzerland
High School Diploma, 1969

Southeastern Louisiana University, Hammond, Louisiana
Department of History and Political Science, Instructor, Fall 2005 – Spring 2023. Teaching Western Civilization first and second semester survey and American History survey courses. As of fall 2007, temporary member of Graduate Faculty, directing master’s theeis and independent reading courses, teaching Western Civilization and American History surveys, Ancient Greek History and Roman History surveys and graduate seminars, as well as teaching Honors 101, 102 and Honors 311 (Ideas in Conflict in the Ancient World), graduate seminar Historiography and Historical Methods. Designed and taught special-topics graduate seminars including Early-Modern English Rebellions and Revolutions (beginning with the Pilgrimage of Grace and ending with the American Revolution), and Rome: From the Gracchi to Nero.
Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
L.S.U. History Department, Instructor, Fall, 1999 - Spring, 2007: Teaching Western Civilization first and second semester survey and first semester American History survey courses.
L.S.U. Honors College, Instructor. Fall 2001-Fall 2003: Team teaching Classical History Survey and Seminar for the Honors College. Fall 2004: Team teaching Comparative Civilization Survey and Seminars. Spring 2005: Team teaching Medieval Civilization Survey and Seminars.
L.S.U. School of Continuing Education Faculty, Fall, 1998-Summer, 2000. Designing and administering the First Semester American History Correspondence Survey.
L.S.U. Evening School Faculty, Spring, 1996- Spring 2003: Teaching first semester American History survey and first and second semester Western Civilization survey courses.
Graduate Assistant, Fall 1991-Spring 1996: Duties included attending survey classes in Western Civilization and United States History, grading examinations, leading reviews, consulting with students, and acting as substitute lecturer in the professor’s absence.
Louisiana Public Broadcasting, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Historical Consultant on the LPB Louisiana History Project, July, 1998-January, 1999. Performing research for the project and providing scholarly input to the writers and producers. Acting as liaison between the production staff and some twenty scholars who specialize in the history of Louisiana. The end goal of the project was the production of a six part television series on the history of Louisiana, which was first aired in September, 2003.
Scotlandville Magnet High School, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Social Studies Teacher, 1986-1991: Academic duties included teaching Advanced Placement American History, American History, Psychology and Economics, serving on social studies curriculum committees and preparing curriculum guides for the school’s assessment by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools.
Trafton Academy/Chapel School, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Social Studies Teacher, 1985-1986: Academic duties included teaching American History, European History and World Geography.
Baton Rouge Magnet High School, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Fencing Coach, 1976-1985: Academic duties included teaching Beginning and Advanced Fencing, and First Aid, as well as attending fencing tournaments with competitors, both coaching and officiating, at state, local and national levels.