History 698 — Historical Research
Dr. Benjamin L. Price, Instructor
Spring 2014
Office Hours:
Fayard 240: Monday 5:00pm-7:45pm
Website: http://brfencing.org/hist698/
Books for History 698
The following books are required reading for this course. I have not ordered any of them from the bookstore. They are all available online used at a considerable savings. The books will represent a goodly fraction of the reading for the course, but the journal articles are considerable and significant. You can download them in zipped files on the "Assignments" page of this website.
Eveline Cruickshanks, The Glorious Revolution (British History in Perspective) [Paperback] (Palgrave Macmillan) [978-0333567630]
Anthony Fletcher, Diarmaid Macculloch, Tudor Rebellions, 5th Revised Edition [Paperback] (Pearson) [978-1405874328]
John Miller, The Glorious Revolution (2nd Edition) [Paperback] (Pearson) [978-0582292222]
Edmund Morgan & Helen Morgan, The Stamp Act Crisis: Prologue to Revolution (Omohundro Institute and University of North Carolina Press) [0807806412]
Conrad Russell, The Causes of the English Civil War (Oxford U. Press) [978-0198221418]
Ethan Shagan, Popular Politics and the English Reformation (Cambridge Studies in Early Modern British History) (Cambridge University Press) [978-0521525558]
Stanley Weintraub, Iron Tears: America's Battle for Freedom, Britain's Quagmire: 1775-1783 (Free Press: A division of Simon and Schuster) [0743226879]