History 201 ❦ Dr. Price
Dr. Price is an Instructor and Graduate Faculty Member at Southeastern Louisiana University, Hammond, Louisiana

Unit One covers Pre-Columbian America, The Age of Discovery, and the Colonial Period of British North America.

Unit Two begins with trouble between the American colonies and Great Britain in the mid-1700s, and includes the American Revolution, independence, and the Creation of a new American Republic. It also covers the trials of the early years of the Republic and the formation and conflicts of the first American political parties. The unit ends with the War of 1812.

Unit Three begins with the Era of Good Feelings from the end of the War of 1812 until 1824, and looks at the birth of the Democratic Party, the election of Andrew Jackson and the westward expansion associated with the late 1840s and the idea of Manifest Destiny..

Unit Four begins with a look at the state of the Antebellum North and South and the evolution of national divisions over slavery and carries us through the Civil War.